“I work in London” versus “I am working in London”: Are You Making These Mistakes in the Present Simple and Present Continuous?

Over the past few weeks I’ve found that most of my students – whether advanced or beginner – have needed a bit of a review of the present simple and the present continuous (also called the present progressive).

So whether you started learning English a few months or a few years ago, here’s a bit of a refresher. We’ll start with a quick review of the forms (Section 1), go over when to use which tense (Section 2), and then talk about 6 mistakes I often hear people make (Section 3). Continue reading

Tips on Tandems, Plus a Twist

If you’ve been learning your new language for a while, it’s possible that you’ve tried practicing with a tandem partner.

A tandem partner speaks the language you want to learn, and will spend some of their time talking with you in that language so that you can practice your speaking skills. They’ll usually want to learn your native tongue in exchange, which means you’ll spend a certain amount of time speaking that language as well. Continue reading